Message from Top Management

Chairman & CEOHiroshi Suehiro
Since our establishment, TPR has been committed to CSR and ESG, and has aimed to fulfill our corporate philosophy to "contribute to realizing a clean and high quality global society by offering unmatched technologies and products with superior value to the world”. Through the development and production of products that make full use of our accumulated technological capabilities and the promotion of environmentally friendly manufacturing, we contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions from automobiles, while actively and appropriately working to contribute to local communities, comply with laws and regulations, and strengthen health and safety.
In recent years, the environment surrounding our company has been undergoing a once-in-a-century revolution, with the shift to EVs due to the acceleration of carbon neutrality and the development of CASE technology, as well as changing to an era that emphasizes beautiful and fulfilled lifestyles that are in tune with the diversifying and changing tastes and thoughts of the people.
Under these circumstances, we have launched our new medium-term management plan, the "26 MTP," and will address the various issues raised by the SDGs with a stronger awareness than ever before. We will also strive to create a rewarding workplace that ensures health and safety, and the entire company will work together to firmly meet the needs of our customers and society, take on the challenge of realizing a sustainable society, and continuously improve our corporate value to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.